The Anatomy Rooms - Shared Space
The Anatomy Rooms site now houses two arts organisations - All In Ideas and Citymoves Dance Agency SCIO. The building has been repurposed as a progressive multi art form event and studio space, with a focus on experimentation and production. Alongside All in Ideas studio facilities and Project Room / Gallery Space, Citymoves Dance Agency now operate out of three main spaces – The Dissection Room, The Museum Room and The Lecture Theatre. Along with Citymoves Dance Agency SCIO’s own programme consisting of the DanceLive Festival, dance classes, residencies, workshops and talks, two of the spaces are available for hire. The Dissection Room is set up as a dance studio and performance space. The Lecture Theatre is as is, with 60 seats, small projection room, chalk boards and lecture podium.
Our office at the Anatomy Rooms is located in the Museum Room and is open 9:30-17:00, Monday to Friday.
The Lecture Theatre
Citymoves Dance Agency SCIO's space at The Anatomy Rooms includes a lecture theatre-style classroom, complete with the banked student seating, chalkboards, lecture podium and projector one might expect in a lecture hall. This space is available for working groups, Board-Away-Days, Special Lectures, and office space. Example hires include, Sound Festival office space, Climate Cafes, DanceUK Seminars, and many more.Â
The Lecture Theatre has a capacity of 60 people.