Dance Education Information

About Citymoves
Based in Aberdeen, Citymoves Dance Agency SCIO is a registered charity in Scotland and has been leading positive impacts through dance in the North East of Scotland since 1987.
Our Aims and Objections are as Follows:
1. To increase and encourage participation in dance for all ages and abilities, building a dance community.
2. To support and nurture dance talent, growing a network of dance artists.
3. To grow audiences for dance and develop a curiosity for the art form.
4. To be a dynamic organisation, developing dance related projects that identify and respond to local needs and national priorities.
5. To lead collaborative practice and forge strong relationships and partnerships locally, nationally, and internationally.
6. To promote the physical, mental and social benefits of dance for overall wellbeing, ensuring access and inclusion for all.

The Benefits of Offering Dance Education
Dance education within schools is a way for young people to express themselves physically, emotionally and creatively enhancing their enjoyment of participation, their ability to co-operate with others and build confidence for those who would not normally participate in dance
outside of school.
Through dance we strive for successful learners and this is achieved by appealing to a variety of learning needs - visual, auditory and tactile. We vary the way we teach and through this form all rounded experiences. We encourage everyone to add into a project and dictate how they, influence elements they present to their peers/whole school.
“At a time when the nation’s young people are facing the perfect storm of an obesity crisis and a mental health epidemic, it seems dance - and its unique blend of physicality and creativity - is a vital and incredibly effective tool in addressing the needs of young people.” – Andrew Hurst Chief Executive, One Dance UK
We have devised CPD sessions for teachers to provide confidence in delivering a dance session within your education setting by exploring movement as a way to deliver the aims of curriculum for excellence, academic and core skills. Often schools ask us to deliver sessions to complement the topics and themes in other curriculum areas, or to help teachers deliver dance to tie in with the current topics.
What We Offer
· One-off sessions to introduce dance into the school curriculum
· ½ or full day creative workshops tailored to suit the age and experience of class
· Creative based residencies (daily sessions over a number of days) leading possibly to a performance or sharing of the work
· Advanced workshops for dance and performing arts groups
· Special projects
· Holiday programme
· CPD training opportunities for teachers
Price List
· £35 per hour
· Day rate £200

Requirements for all workshops
1. A clear, well lit, warm space with suitable floor for dance (not carpeted).
2. Participants should be dressed appropriately for dance – loose comfortable clothing, no skirts or jewellery.
3. Information required in advance of the workshop
a. Dates and times
b. Name and address of the venue
c. Contact name and telephone number of organizer
d. The number of participants
e. The age range of participants
f. Any relevant medical conditions
The Team
Citymoves Dance Agency SCIO have a pool of talented tutors and dance artists with a wealth of knowledge and experience in their area of expertise. Our Dance Development Managers will ensure a well-suited tutor is allocated to each project. All of our tutors provide a positive and nurturing experience, enabling students to express themselves in a positive constructive way, ensuring barriers are removed and individual access needs are met.
< Click here to view our staff and tutors page
If you are interested in bringing the above into your school